"he thought. "I don't want to be the Dog of the Year, and I'm not Superdog. I'm just me. I'm just a floppy old dog who wants a bit of peace.""
Today, I watched Superdog. This book was written by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta.

After that, floppy went to sleep. he had a pleasant dream. In the dream, he helped a lot of people. For example, he ran after a thief and caught the thief. People who were in his dream called Floppy "Hero". When floppy woke up, he was get angry by a child. Floppy wanted children to notice his good point. At the end, Floppy ran off. I thought that the children should worry about Floppy. Floppy didn't want to do, so children should stop doing practice of the Dog of the Year course.
feed up:うんざりする
258 words
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