I read Fluffy
Goes To School. Fluffy Goes To School
is one of the books in Fluffy series. This story was very funny.
One day, new guinea pig came to school.
Then student started pick a name for the guinea pig.” How many want Fluffy?”
asked teacher. Everybody else raised a hand. The guinea pig’s name was decided
Fluffy. Maxwell who is one of the student said “Hello, Fluffy.” to the guinea
pig. However, the guinea pig misunderstood that another animal came into his
cage. “Come out, Fluffy!” Fluffy growled. However, no animal came out, so he
noticed his name was Fluffy. He couldn’t understand it. He wanted to get a
strong name. Then, he pretended as a policeman, captain, commander in a cage.
He enjoyed pretending some heroes in a cage. I thought he enjoying spending in
his cage.
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